ARTIST OF THE WEEK: No.491 - Yuneki

After spending the last few months building and cultivating her sound, London-based artist Yuneki is now ready to introduce herself to the wider world with her captivating debut single 'Like Honey'.

Adopting a wonderfully rich and immersive alt-pop aesthetic for her initial offering, 'Like Honey' makes for a beautifully alluring introduction to her sound so far. With her captivating vocals spread across a euphoric production from start to finish, she is kicking things off with a brilliantly passionate opening number here.

Speaking about the new offering, she said, “Like Honey is about the idea of right person, wrong time. Me and a boy who I’d recently got back in contact with when we wrote it would somehow always go back to each other and it would never work out. I’d always be left thinking about him, hoping I’d see him again or bump into him and romanticising the time we did have together. The last time this happened it felt like I wasn’t ready and I needed to learn to love myself first.”

Have a listen to 'Like Honey' in the player below.