B Dolan - 'Kill The Wolf'


As a rapper and poet with an enormous cult standing, B Dolan has quickly become one of the most engaging voices in US hip-hop over the last decade. As part of the political poetry movement, popularised by the likes of Sage Francis and Scroobious Pip, Dolan's wit and venomous attacks on society and culture have made him the mock messiah you see today. Now with his third studio album, and first in five years, 'Kill The Wolf', the rapper is back to his biting best.

With an almost millennial-sounding Prodigy running the production, 'Kill The Wolf' is a record that relies more on impact than anything else. Dolan's ferocious vocal ricochets from beat to bassline throughout every track, and at times you get so swept up in the music, you forget to listen to what he is saying. But for those that know, the MC brings his A game once again to this new record, delivering the confidence and conviction of a young Malcolm X for the post-recession generation.

Bold, brash and extremely unforgiving, 'Kill The Wolf' is a testament to what modern hip-hop should be. Its message remains intent throughout and creates a structured concept that burrows so deep within yourself that may end up a changed person by the end.

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