Bodega - 'Broken Equipment'


When New York-based outfit Bodega released their fantastic debut album 'Endless Scroll' in 2018, a lot of talk was focused around their local contemporaries. Many began to notice how much of their direction was riding on the coattails of acts like LCD Soundsystem, Parquet Courts and countless others who had emerged from the Big Apple in recent decades. But as they return to deliver their sophomore full-length 'Broken Equipment', it feels like they were in no rush to separate themselves from the scene as they return with more of the same on here.

While for some that can be a risky move, especially if their first effort was such an unbridled success, but Bodega have such a strong grasp on their sound, it almost feels like a refreshing continuation of their guise to date. From the very start, 'Broken Equipment' looks to pursue more of that raw and breezy post-punk direction they first cultivated, even at a time when so many acts on UK shores seem to be exploring the same. Almost coming across as a carbon copy of 'Endless Scroll' in places, it still manages to create enough interesting and adventurous ideas to prevent it turning sour by the end.

Bodega have certainly managed to deliver a captivating return here, despite its lack of progression these last few years. The hooks and melodies remain just as vibrant as ever, which sees them in a more confident light than before. Something that gives 'Broken Equipment' an attractive allure to it.

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