Hugh - 'Walk It Off' ft. Bonjay

British outfit take influence from The xx with this smooth and haunting alt-pop release

Sweet Tooth - 'Sweet Sick Love'

US outfit bring the same sweeping flow as Tame Impala to their latest psych-pop swoon

Sungazers - 'Send Nudes'

Hungarian outfit blend dark electronics with rip-roaring guitars on this pulsing progressive release

FEWS - 'Charm'

Swedish outfit preview their new EP with this dark and pulsing post-punk-inspired stomper

Langva - 'In The AM'

Norwegian frontman showcases his debut EP with this bright and blissful psych-pop gem, with hints of Toro Y Moi

Jens Kuross - 'Painkiller'

US frontman previews his debut album with this dark and experimental alt-pop single

Codex - 'Airport'

Manchester-based production duo take influence from Bonobo with this pulsing electronic belter

Juniper - 'JBJ'

US outfit bring the same upbeat sound as Death Cab For Cutie on this uplifting pop-rock delight

Beauty Queen - 'Two Of Us'

US frontwoman channels the sweeping spirit of Phoebe Bridgers on this euphoric dream-pop groove

David F. Walker - 'My Imagination'

London-based frontman takes influence from Jordan Rakei with this smooth and funk-filled neo-soul gem

More Reviews

Kaytranada - '99.9%'
8 years 4 months ago


Radiohead - 'A Moon Shaped Pool'
8 years 4 months ago


James Blake - 'The Colour In Anything'
8 years 4 months ago


Royal Tusk - 'Daybreaker'
8 years 4 months ago


Lovespeake - 'DNA'
8 years 4 months ago


Travis - 'Everything At Once'
8 years 4 months ago
