A Perfect Circle - 'Eat The Elephant'


After fourteen years in the wilderness, A Perfect Circle finally return with their long-awaited fourth studio album 'Eat The Elephant'. And while the shape and names in the group may have changed since their last LP, frontman Maynard James Keenan seems focused on recovering the neo-prog rock sound of their initial career and creating a comeback worthy of their heyday.

Unfortunately for those that were fond of the band, this new release just seems to lack a lot of the passion and grit they were best known for. The production seems far weaker with less impactful moments than their first three records and just doesn't seem to be much in the way of a fully thought out return. Keenan's voice seems to have lost that raw intention as he sleepily works his way through one padded and lacklustre track after another.

It is a shame that a once great band has now come to be a shadow of their former selves, but with so much time away and an almost complete line-up change, it may have simply been a case of lack of practise. A Perfect Circle left things on a high and that is how they should have kept it.

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