Spinning Coin - 'Hyacinth'


The last few years have turned out to be a rather tumultuous time for Glasgow-based outfit Spinning Coin. After making bold steps to bring in their latest member Rachel Taylor into the group, she ended up having to remain in her hometown of Berlin due to the ever-growing immigration problems the UK has been facing in recent times. But while their geographical issues remain a burden for the group right now, they have still managed to turn out the goods as their sophomore album 'Hyacinth' sees them adopt a far more ambitious and uplifting direction than we have heard from them in the past.

While their debut album 'Permo' was praised for its bold and engaging aesthetic, there were still the odd teething problems for a band still searching for a direction to take itself in the future. Thankfully this new collection seems to clean up a lot of the less-favoured additions from that initial release as they return with a strong and focused sound that sees them show their true colours throughout. Taking cues from other eccentric indie outfits like Bombay Bicycle Club and Real Estate, this new record occasionally likes to present itself as a multifaceted entity, taking influence from retro psych-rock styles and more contemporary paths in equal measure.

From the start, 'Hyacinth' sees the band return in a fresher and more rejuvenated guise. The level of confidence and swagger on this new album is undeniably catchy and makes for a thoroughly enjoyable listen that you'll find yourself going back to time and time again.

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