Communions - 'Blue'


Having spent the last few years building their reputation and repertoire, Danish indie quartet Communions have finally broken their first big milestone by delivering their long-awaited debut album 'Blue'. Yet despite naming the release after a colour largely associated with down-beat and sombre emotions, 'Blue' is a hearty and uplifting record, jam-packed with catchy melodies and sing-along vocals.

While the band have obviously made a much larger impact in their native homeland, this release has begun to prick up ears the world over, and from an initial listen, it is easy to see why. Not only have they managed to create a cohesive and consistent sound for their debut album, the band have also shown off a flair for writing engaging and likeable guitar tunes, which given the over-saturation of the scene today, is a massive achievement all in itself.

With a clear influence from bands like The Cure and The Drums, Communions' 'Blue' is one of those records that you can find yourself coming back to again and again, with no need to skip through the tracks. The record plays wonderfully as a full body of work and will prove a great asset as they look to develop on the international scene.

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