Foo Fighters - 'But Here We Are'


When the world learned of drummer Taylor Hawkins' tragic passing in March last year, shockwaves inevitably were sent through the modern rock scene. Hawkins was not just the engine behind Foo Fighters remarkably impactful sound over the last two decades, but was also one of the figureheads of the band, loved for his bounding charisma and excitable personality. So for Foo Fighters to continue on without him, it would naturally come with grief stricken cloud that the band look to work through on their eleventh studio album 'But Here We Are', a record almost completely in tribute to their late drummer.

With frontman Dave Grohl filling in on drums throughout this new release, something he hasn't done since their first two records, 'But Here We Are' has this awkward middle ground of wanting to acknowledge the past while also trying to find a future throughout. While its sound remains in that classic Foo's vein, the lyrical content is clearly a strong reference to their personal process of grief this past year. Not since Grohl first used music to work through the passing of Nirvana bandmate Kurt Cobain in the early years have Foo Fighters sounded this passionate, leading to one of their more tender and emotionally-wrought offerings to date.

While Taylor Hawkins' spirit remains the blanket that has enveloped their direction throughout their latest LP, 'But Here We Are' also feels like the beginning of a new and revived Foo Fighters at the helm. Rather than churning out another stadium rock release, they have truly come together as a band here and delivered something that could mark that next phase within their musical evolution to date.

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