George Ezra - 'Wanted On Voyage'


In October last year, we reviewed George Ezra's debut EP 'Did You Hear The Rain?' and called it "the best discovery this year has produced so far", and considering what has happened to the Bristol lad since then, our assumptions proved true as Ezra has quickly grown into one of the country's best new talents. After claiming a spot on the BBC's Sound Of 2014 poll, the singer/songwriter has been supported across national radio and music press all over the world and even landed himself a few top 10 singles as he goes. But now his legacy gets its first real test as Ezra unveils his first studio album 'Wanted On Voyage'.

While two of the four tracks from 'Did You Hear The Rain?' make it onto the new record, they are hardly the stand-outs as Ezra has managed to stretch his talents far enough to produce a captivating and engaging debut record. Using a mixture of simple guitar structure and powerful percussion, 'Wanted On Voyage' has this likeable and unique feel to it that not only brings you in but lets you feel a part of the music as he envelops you with his warm and comforting voice. The album's lead single 'Cassy O' is a perfect representation of what this album is and also highlights the effort Ezra has gone to appear like an old soul while only being 21 years old.

It certainly has all the hallmarks of an album that should hold George Ezra in good standing for a positive career ahead. It's focus on a particular sound means that you won't be unpleasantly surprised when you listen to it and can simply enjoy it from start to finish.

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