Getting To Know... Goldrain

Following on from the love and praise they received for their debut single 'Dragonfly' earlier this year, London-based trio Goldrain are now looking to work their magic again with their latest offering 'Atlantis'.

With its bright and breezy overtones, 'Atlantis' is a smooth and sensual follow-up worthy of its predecessor. Filled with supple beats, laid-back keys, and some seriously soulful vocals, this new delight looks to do nothing but bring a firm smile to your face.

So with their new release available now, we sat down with them to find out more about their origins and what has inspired them over the years.


What were the first instruments you fell in love with?

Harry Moore: Due to my grandpa, it has to be the piano. I remember vividly that he was always playing old ragtime tunes throughout the day. Unfortunately, I didn't pursue the piano further than what my grandpa taught me early on, which might actually be one of my biggest regrets. I'm always so envious of pianists, it's such a fantastic, beautiful instrument, and a very valuable songwriting tool. Having said that though, it's safe to say that subconsciously I was in love with drums. My parents got very sick of the sound of me tapping on the table when I was young, so they decided to send me to get some drum lessons.

What has been the most prominent inspiration behind your music so far?

Barbs Dudek: From a perspective of songwriting anything from poetry, counterculture movements and mysteries of human psyche. Some inspirations including random conversations, daily outrages and longings or just simple reflections also find its way to a song. Like in a movie - you have different angles and cameras, unless it’s dogma 95 or another handheld experiment. I like breaking out of structure in Joni Mitchell’s songs. Steely Dan has interesting solutions when it comes down to harmony. I like the anger and acceptance in Massive Attack’s song, child-like simplicity in Sufjan Stevens material, lyrics in Beady Belle...there are so many great musicians out there. Choral and baroque music is my favourite at the moment.. alongside Nirvana.

What kind of music did you love as teenagers?

Owen Smalley: I’m going to shock you by saying that the Beatles were and will forever remain a huge love of ours. No matter where I am in life I’m always going through some sort of Beatles phase. As is mostly the case, we were exposed to a lot of the music that our parents listened to which I’m very thankful for, so I spent a lot of time listening to Joni Mitchell, Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, the Who, King Crimson etc. I was also a massive John Frusciante and RHCP fan as most of the kids my age were as well.

Can you remember the first song that made you want to pursue a life in music?

BD: It was never just one song for me - it was the feeling that we’re all deeply connected and we can express and feel this unity through music. I can write a song here in London and someone else in Bosnia might feel exactly the same feeling. That’s the magic and beauty that sucked me in big time.

Who are your favourite artists you have found yourself listening to at the moment?

HM: Agh, there are so many at the moment and it's always changing weekly. The only constants that I'm listening to, are artists that have inspired me throughout my life like The Beatles, Steely Dan, Neil Young, Joni Mitchell and Ry Cooder to name but a few. But some new artists I'm listening to, that I've discovered over lockdown and some that I knew about beforehand are Sir Was, Lianne La Havas, Nick Hakim, Andy Shauf, Kate Bollinger, Little Dragon, Men I Trust, honestly the list could go on forever!

How many of your songs have you written about people you’d rather forget?

BD: Oh well... loads... I think you can turn any situation, including a difficult one, into a valuable experience. It demands some courage to look into oneself, to have an insight into the core of the situation . Therefore I think we ought to remember all the mothers flowers popping up on our way as they are always a chance for growth. It’s interesting how some experiences tend to re-emerge from the ocean and try to get us under the water - I guess it’s a mental strength training, like Odysseus and singing of the mermaids.

What has been the most unusual moment in your career so far?

HM: Hmmm good question, but one moment that springs to mind is being asked to tune my cymbals during a rehearsal. The singer asked if I could tune them differently ready for the next rehearsal, so of course I said 'Yes', to keep them happy. For the following rehearsal I brought the same cymbals with me and played them the same way. At the end of the rehearsal the singer said "Thank you, the cymbals sounded perfect!". If anybody wants some advice on how to tune cymbals feel free to call.

Outside of music, what are your biggest passions?

OS: Food—we’re bloody obsessed with the stuff and have it everyday. If you can’t be sharing music with other people then food is probably the next best thing. Drawing and reading are up there for me too, but even when I’m involved with those I’m still mostly thinking about food.

If you weren’t musicians, what other path do you think you might have taken?

OS: The path of being very sad. No, but it’s a funny one to think about because I decided I want to be a musician quite young and never really thought about many other alternatives. I’ve always liked teaching, which is mainly what I do alongside band stuff anyway so I’d probably say that would be the most likely path.

And what advice would you give to other musicians looking to start a career in music?

OS: Practise, practise, and practise some more. And do your best not to lose sight of why you started as you trudge through the less glamorous aspects of being a musician, of which, like any other industry, there can be many. Take the rough with the smooth and keep grinding!!!


Goldrain's new single 'Atlantis' is available to stream and download now. Have a listen to it in the player below.