Getting To Know... Jeremiah Lloyd Harmon

After first gaining notoriety by appearing as a contestant on American Idol in 2019, US singer and songwriter Jeremiah Lloyd Harmon has gone from strength to strength ever since, and now returns to deliver his latest laid-back groove 'Mama, I Don't Wanna Go To Nashville'.

Channelling that same rich and woozy country-inspired direction he is known for, 'Mama, I Don't Wanna Go To Nashville' makes for a wonderfully intoxicating return. Matching his fresh and sweeping vocals with a humbly-played acoustic guitar gives this new single a beautifully warm and heartfelt feel throughout.

So with the new track doing the rounds, we sat down with him to discuss his origins and what has inspired him most over the years.


What was the first instrument you fell in love with?

Probably my mom’s voice, she’s a great singer.

What was the first song that inspired you to make your own music?

'Suzanne' by Leonard Cohen.

What kind of music did you love as a teenager?

Anything that helped me kinda zoom out on my life, usually The Hawkins Singers, Sigur Ros, Beethoven (String Quartet no. 15 in A minor, Op. 132, specifically) and for a time, almost exclusively Sufjan Stevens. I felt like that music gave me some connection to a bigger picture of my life.

What do you find is the best environment to find inspiration for your music?

It always changes. Inspiration never happens according to my expectations but usually if I can get rid of distractions like my phone or social media for long enough, something will come to me.

Who are your favourite artists you have found yourself listening to at the moment?

Adrianne Lenker, The Roches, Walter Hawkins.

How many of your songs have you written about people in your life?

Most of them actually.

What has been the most unusual moment in your career so far?

HA! Singing Disney covers for Katy Perry dressed as Ursula from the Little Mermaid.

If you could open a show for anyone in the world, who would it be?

Judie Sill, if she were still here.

If you weren’t a musician, what other path do you think you might have taken?

Hmm…maybe art therapy or a writer of some sort.

And what is the best piece of advice you have received as a musician?

What you think about me is none of my business.


Jeremiah Lloyd Harmon's new single 'Mama, I Don't Wanna Go To Nashville' is available to stream and download now. Have a listen to it in the player below.