Getting To Know... Katie Wighton

After the rousing response to her much-loved solo LP 'The End' last year, Australian artist Katie Wighton is back on the grind once again with her vibrant new single 'Real Thing'.

Honing more of that rich and alluring indie-rock aesthetic she is known for, 'Real Thing' makes for a dazzling return to form for her. With its bright and dynamic textures, shimmering atmosphere, and her own mesmerising vocals at the helm, she continues to shine as one of the more passionate names doing the rounds right now.

So with the new single available to stream now, we sat down with her to find out more about her origins and what has been inspiring her most lately.


What was the first instrument you fell in love with?

This is such a lovely question! I think it was probably singing. I always loved telling stories and was part of choirs growing up which I always loved. My mum is also a singer and so, of course, I followed in her footsteps.

What kind of music did you love when you were younger?

Haha oh my goodness I was a weird kid. I think I’ve always loved melodies. I also loved Tina Arena (an Australian national treasure) – I never really followed what was “cool”. I just loved good, memorable melodies.

What was the first album you remember owning?

The first album I ever bought on cd (remember those?!) was the Tarzan soundtrack. Closely followed by Aqua’s one and only Aquarium in 1997.

What is the one song you wished you could have written yourself?

It’s very hard to pick! I have a playlist called “Songwriting” which is full of songs I wish I’d written. Creep by Radiohead, Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls (the fact that the melody is the same for the whole song blows my mind!), High Hopes by Panic at the Disco (my friends Jake and Jenny actually DID contribute to the writing of that song…) Déjà vu by Olivia Rodrigo, Make You Feel My Love by Bob Dylan…. the list goes on!!

Do you have any habits or rituals you go through when trying to write new music?

Mmmmm not really? If I am struggling to write I sometimes try a new tuning – lately I’ve been obsessed with open D so everything I write is in that tuning/key haha.

Who are your favourite artists you have found yourself listening to at the moment?

At the moment I am absolutely loving a band called Border Collie from Los Angeles – such great songwriting and the singer Elon Thomas has a super cool voice. I also love Trousdale. They just put out a song with fellow Aussie Ben Abraham and it’s a banger!!

If you could open a show for anyone in the world, who would it be?

Trousdale. I LOVE them very much. Their harmonies are beautiful and they seem like amazing women! (Please refer to previous question haha)

What do you find is the most rewarding part about being a musician?

Songwriting for sure. I love being able to soundtrack my own emotional life. Is that seriously narcissistic to admit?! I also love writing with other people and seeing how differently a song can go with the input of another brain.

And what is the most frustrating part?

Eek, honestly, it’s the constant hustle…! I wish music was more valued in our society. We really would be lost without it – imagine going into a café that had no music on? You’d walk right out again! I would love to think that eventually we’ll realise and put all artists on a living wage…

And what is the best piece of advice you have received as a musician?

Make friends and be nice. I remember going to a networking event very early on in my career and feeling so gross about it all. I hated the shmoozing and the “ooh who are you, are you important?” looks people would give each other. I remember being told to look at it as a friend-making opportunity and it was such a game changer. I don’t think I’ve treated industry things any differently since and it’s served me really well!


Katie Wighton's new single 'Real Thing' is available to stream now. Check it out in the player below.