The Heavy Heavy - 'One Of A Kind'


While many names throughout the scene have sought inspiration from those that have come before in order to create a new and distinctive direction for themselves, very few have managed to harness that ambition as well as The Heavy Heavy. Wearing their influences very much on their sleeves throughout a wealth of dazzling delights in recent years, the pair have cultivated this riveting exploration of sound and vision, culminating in some brilliantly anthemic gems along the way. And with their stock still very much on the rise, they are now cementing their vibrant legacy to date with their hotly-tipped debut album 'One Of A Kind', a record that sees them fully embrace the nostalgia.

With notable comparisons to The Rolling Stones, Motown, and 1990s Britpop already mentioned throughout their catalogue so far, 'One Of A Kind' sees them spread their creative wings further than ever before. Adopting this warm and hazy appeal that manages to draw you in without letting you go, their initial full-length makes for a broad and immersive introduction to their sound to date, oozing with this rich and emotive passion across all of its twelve tracks.

Very much looking to create a release that flows well rather than pack it full of radio-friendly ditties, 'One Of A Kind' is a strong and confident opening collection for one of the UK's more exciting duos. Brimming with innovation and flair as often as possible, The Heavy Heavy are certainly looking to make an impact with this one.

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