Let's Eat Grandma - 'I'm All Ears'


When Rosa Walton and Jenny Hollingworth released their debut album 'I, Gemini' back in 2016, it was met with intrigue and sometimes confusion. The pair's direction seemed far too forward-thinking for some at the time, leaving many to have an internal debate about whether they were geniuses or just divulging in a pretence no-one could understand yet. But as pop music has been moving more and more into an experimental arena recently, the duo's return seems more than well-timed as they release their equally envelope-pushing sophomore full-length 'I'm All Ears'.

The main difference in the sound between these two records is the quality of production and intention. While their first was seen as more of a DIY/lo-fi effort, this new release sees them collaborate with a host of likeminded producers such as SOPHIE, David Wrench and The Horrors' Faris Badwan to create something with more bite and a more diverse approach. Rather than throw together a mix of bold and brash ideas, the album manages to create an eclectic range of tones and emotions, all while remaining under the veil of their chosen path.

It certainly seems that the pair have refined themselves since their debut full-length. The opening cuts 'Hot Pink' and 'It's Not Just Me' are two perfect examples of the direction these two should be heading in to create captivating future-pop, and the record as a whole shows them as competent songwriters with plenty of range to grow and flourish in.

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