Noga Erez - 'Off The Radar'


Having spent the best part of the last 12 months slowly sharing new music, Israeli artist Noga Erez has finally marked the first major milestone of her career by releasing her highly-anticipated debut album. And in the last few months, we have realised that trying to think of a word to best describe her sound just isn't possible as her first full-length delivers a juggernaut of diverse and interesting directions.

And while growing up in Tel Aviv has certainly made some impression on her musical influences, it is clear from the initial listen of this record that her inspirations stretch much further than her homeland. 'Off The Radar' aims to bring together a whole range of leftfield productions, and some more modest styles, in order to create a record that breathes originality and, more importantly, engages well with the listener through an experimental lens.

Even after hearing what she has to offer on these 15-tracks, we are still nowhere near to fully understanding her intentions. But that seems to be the way she likes it. Full of surprises and unexpected twists.

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