Nolo Grace delivers new single 'Eyes Of The Dragon'

Having already delivered a string of much-loved outings these last few months, LA-based artist Nolo Grace continues her upward ascent once again as she unveils her wondrous new single 'Eyes Of The Dragon'.

Continuing to pursue more of that warm and inviting electro-infused aesthetic she is renowned for already, 'Eyes Of The Dragon' makes for a dazzling return to form for the artist at the helm. With her breathtaking vocals spread across this euphoric production throughout, she continues to shine as one of the more enchanting names doing the rounds right now.

While these last few months have certainly been a busy period in her tenure to date, 'Eyes Of The Dragon' still manages to stand out within her ever-evolving repertoire to date. With such a firm and confident grasp over her direction once again, we can't wait to hear what these next few months have in store for her as well.

Have a listen to 'Eyes Of The Dragon' in the player below.