Quarantine Beach - 'The Dreampath Of Desire'


When Rotterdam-based outfit Quarantine Beach first emerged with their breakthrough singles 'Let The Lovers Decide' and 'Die Like Socrates' back in 2021, they were greeted as one of the more exciting names to emerge that year. With a sound that looks to dabble in a multitude of diverse aesthetics, all wrapped up in some wonderfully playful lyrics, the band quickly took a step back from the new music scene to figure out where to take their sound next. Now they return with their eagerly-awaited debut EP 'The Dreampath Of Desire', a release brimming with bright and immersive textures.

Much like what their initial offerings first alluded to, 'The Dreampath Of Desire' is a brilliantly broad and diverse return for the four-piece. With its bright and uplifting direction that perfectly bounces off the band's enigmatic style of play, this new four-track collection perfectly highlights the band's own humorous, emotional and melancholic endeavours to date. With each track moving through its own meandering path in order to explore more of the EP's vibrant atmosphere, there are still plenty of surprises buried across its shimmering runtime.

While a two-year break from new music certainly builds anticipation for any artist, Quarantine Beach have put that time to extremely good work, returning with a fresh and enjoyable romp that will no doubt serve them extremely well in the years ahead as well.

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