Rex Orange County - 'Pony'


In his first few years as a singer and songwriter, Alexander O'Connor aka Rex Orange County stood as a furiously independent artist. Regularly self-releasing his own material, the frontman still managed to create a bold and vivid personality for himself, racking up fans and acclaim with almost everything he shared. So with his third studio album 'Pony' also becoming his major label debut, he has taken the opportunity to bring his unique and diverse sound to the mainstream, delivering a fresh and uplifting collection of songs that are set to send his profile into the stratosphere.

From the very start, 'Pony' is designed to grab your attention. Opening up with the instant classic that is '10/10', the record rarely falters in its pace and intrigue. With the frontman giving his own blend of soulful yet poignant vocals over a wide range of upbeat and euphoric instrumentation, this new collection certainly feels like he is reintroducing himself once again. Knowing full well that this would become his most reached record to date, he has brought his A-game to every track and made sure that this new album offers up a versatile and engaging sound that very few could mistake for anyone else.

Rex Orange County may have been this country's best kept secret for the last few years, but the cat is now out of the bag and we couldn't be happier. 'Pony' is not only his best work of his career thus far, but shows us that he is jam packed with fresh and exciting ideas that will no doubt see him through for many years to come.

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