Sean Christopher - 'Yonder (After Midnight)'


Completely reworking or "flipping" studio albums has become a popular trend of late. The idea of taking an already completed work and repurposing it with a new intention has given many artists an opportunity to reinvent their work, and offer something familiar yet new to their fans in the process. But when Bristol-based, Dutch-born singer-songwriter Sean Christopher released his debut album 'Yonder' earlier this year, he was always intending on releasing a stripped-back follow-up shortly afterwards, meaning that each song had to retain a certain flexibility when the time came to transform it. And that foresight with his direction has led to a confident return on this new work 'Yonder (After Midnight)'.

While it has been given the title of a reworked release of his initial LP, 'Yonder (After Midnight)' feels far more authentic to the frontman's playing style, almost as if these versions were what came first when he began making 'Yonder'. With an intrinsic guitar playing style and sometimes tortured vocals providing the theme for this new output, there are times when he captures some of the raw intensity of individuals like Thom Yorke, showing just enough raw emotion but still remaining focused throughout his performance.

Obviously, 'Yonder (After Midnight)' sits as the more intimate version of his catalogue, but it is that intimacy that makes this new release such a captivating collection. Shifting the tone from a diverse and eclectic affair to something far more succinct gives these songs a whole new identity throughout, and from the start, he delivers a wonderful new release that may even better the original record.

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