Simian Mobile Disco - 'Murmurations'


Since their infancy, Simian Mobile Disco have always looked to push the boundaries of electronic music. Whether it was through diverse production or bold experimentation, the duo always seem to be two steps ahead of everyone else when it comes to intent and direction. And as they unveil their fifth full-length, the pair bring on board The Deep Throat Choir to add not only a new perspective to themselves but also reinvent their sound with a far more ethereal tone.

While they have experimented with a more subdued direction in recent years, 'Murmurations' takes that minimal aspect and develops it into a fully-fledged new release that manages to keep its head above board very well. The album sometimes flips between the progressive, building direction and much more contained snippets of intrigue, which as a whole, keeps the pace of this record on a very level track and delivers a release that manages to move forward without dragging its heels too much.

It certainly is a brave new arena for these two to embark on, but just like all their work to date, 'Murmurations' is filled with quality and consistency. The Deep Throat Choir add a real sense of atmosphere to this release, making it one of their most interesting and spellbinding records to date.

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