Working Men's Club - 'Fear Fear'


Since releasing their self-titled debut LP in 2020, Yorkshire's Working Men's Club have been quick to cement themselves as one of the more innovating and daring names on the rise right now. While so many in their field of post-punk-inspired aesthetics opt for a more organic direction, this lot are unashamedly focusing on the raw and powerful electronic element of their genre, giving them an instantly recognisable feel throughout. And after a few years to build up their notoriety, they return with their sophomore studio album 'Fear Fear', a record that continues that uncompromising pursuit.

For a sound that has so much affiliation with the more nostalgic and retro side to the scene, Working Men's Club have managed to pull off something wildly fresh and explorative throughout this new collection. While they are ones who clearly prefer to wear their influences on their sleeve, 'Fear Fear' has this brilliantly distinctive and progressive texture to it. Coming across as a darker and more atmospheric version of early Prodigy-meets-Joy Division, there is this visceral tone to all of their work throughout this new collection, showcasing it as one of their more subdued yet expressive works to date.

There has never been any doubt that Working Men's Club would continue to impress on 'Fear Fear' given the singles they had dropped from it previously. But hearing all of their forward-thinking and post-modern approach to electronica all in one place really highlights their innovative spirit throughout.

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