
After seeing classic shoegaze bands like Slowdive and The Jesus And Mary Chain make a big return earlier this year, w
With bands like Haim and Kings Of Leon proving to be worldwide hit makers, it seems that keeping it in the family is
Having been working the peripheries of the US indie scene for the last few years, rising singer-songwriter Ethan Grus
With the future sound of RnB throwing up amazing new artists almost every other week, emerging name R.LUM.R has alrea
For the last few years, the forward-thinking avenues of the UK's RnB scene have brought us some of the most intriguin
With technology making it easier for bands to record, promote and sell their own music, a DIY ethos has emerged as a
Shoegaze was one of those genres that seemed to come and then go back in the 80s and early 90s.
Another day, another Swedish pop sensation set to take over the British charts once again.
The days are getting hotter, which can only mean one thing as each and every emerging new act fights to become the so
With hard production-infused RnB currently becoming the next hot ticket to chart success, many acts have taken on the
As pop music once again descends into the naff oblivion of over-produced and under-sentimental nonsense, it is good t
Having been a part of the Scandinavian electronic music scene for almost a decade now, the Finnish producer Yotto is
After emerging in the latter half of last year, HMLTD first introduced us to their off-kilter brand of avant-garde po
After first hitting national attention when their debut single 'King' was used as part of ITV's Europa League Final c
If like me you spend much of your time talking and hanging out with musicians, then the topic of tinnitus is usually