Holographic American - 'The Grace Of Animals'


Over these last few months, Colorado-based newcomers Holographic American have been busy crafting a rich and distinctive direction in which to call their own. Taking their cues from a diverse array of influences including Led Zeppelin, The Cure, and At The Drive-In, their sound sees them take stock of their varied inspirations and produce a broad and immersive aesthetic that truly stands out from the crowd. And after plenty of innovation and self-discovery lately, they are now introducing themselves to the fold with their dynamic debut album. 'The Grace Of Animals', a record that puts their expansive pursuits front and centre.

Deciding not to release any singles prior to its release, 'The Grace Of Animals' can be fully enjoyed in its entirety. Brimming with this warm and enveloping texture that ebbs and flows throughout, their initial offering certainly looks to make a strong and confident impact as it plays. Whether they are pursuing raw and driven anthems or a more tender approach to their songwriting, Holographic Animals manage to bring a sense of vigour to everything they do, making for a wildly enjoyable listening experience at every turn.

It may still be very early days for them right now, but 'The Grace Of Animals' shows they are very much on top of their creative game right now. Oozing with this wonderfully absorbing feel as often as possible, Holographic American are certainly a name we need to keep a firm eye on for the months ahead as well.

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