Death Cab For Cutie - 'Asphalt Meadows'


Throughout the early 2000s, Death Cab For Cutie sat at the pinnacle of the surging emo-rock movement of that era. While many other groups from that time eventually disappeared into obscurity, occasionally reemerging for a strong hit of nostalgia, Death Cab have spent the last decade looking to build and evolve themselves beyond the cliches of their original guise. And while their latter material has been a mixed back of results with both critics and fans, they now return with their tenth studio album 'Asphalt Meadows', a record that sees them rekindle the same heart they first arrived with.

It was on their 2018 LP 'Thank You For Today' that the first glimmers of what Death Cab For Cutie could grow into become first reared itself. Reigniting that fiery passion for raw and heartfelt lyricism alongside driven textures was scattered within, but on 'Asphalt Meadows', is moved very much to the forefront of every offering. From the start, it feels like they are rebranding their sound for a modern ear. Keeping plenty of the same romantic guise that first built their notoriety, it has this wonderfully fresh and vibrant direction to it, something we haven't heard from them in many years.

There is a strong and positive confidence running throughout this new collection. 'Asphalt Meadows' may be their tenth full-length of their career, but could easily nestle within their emerging heyday in terms of quality and engagement. Death Cab For Cutie are no longer willing to rest of their laurels, but see themselves as revivalists throughout this captivating effort.

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