Getting To Know... Sister Ghost

After establishing herself with a breadth of dazzling delights over the last few years, Northern Irish artist Sister Ghost recently announced the details behind her long-awaited debut album 'Beyond The Water'.

Featuring the previously shared offering 'Dark Matter', which now comes accompanied by a stunning new video, 'Beyond The Water' is set to become one of the more talked-about debut LPs for the year ahead.

So with the new record arriving in the coming months, we sat down with her to find out more about her origins and what has been inspiring her most over the years.


What was the first instrument you fell in love with?

Guitar for sure. When I was like 4 or 5 I remember being really aware of how all three of my older siblings could play this mystical thing called guitar, and also how I was not allowed to touch their precious acoustic! Until one day I snuck into my oldest brother's room and started to play it and being so excited by that. Cut to 5 or 6 years later, after falling out with the violin, accordion and piano I finally asked to learn the guitar and my brother gave me my first lesson, which was handing me a sheet of guitar chords and telling me to come back once I'd had those down. I played my sister's handmedown Stratocaster for a few years and then when I got my first job in a grocery shop at 15 (where I got paid a measly £2.50 an hour!) I saved up enough to buy my Telecaster guitar that I still play today.

What kind of music did you love when you were younger?

One of my earliest memories is hearing Nirvana's MTV Unplugged album played on repeat, echoing down the corridor in the house from my brothers’ rooms, that and the Green Day ‘International Superhits’ compilation. I was obsessed with ‘Minority’ off of that and would listen to it on repeat. I was also lucky that from a young age my mother introduced me to the likes of Fleetwood Mac and Steely Dan too. Definitely have always had a slightly older music taste than my age, even as a teenager I was obsessed by 80s bands like The Smiths, The Cure, Siouxsie and the Banshees etc.

What was the first album you remember owning?

I was gifted ‘Let Go’ by Avril Lavigne for Christmas when I was 10 and I absolutely adored it. I swear “Losing Grip” is one of the best album openers ever! I still get a little teary eyed when I hear that album from start to finish because it brings me back to my childhood bedroom, listening to my CD player late at night when I couldn't sleep.

What is the one song you wished you could have written yourself?

I was actually talking about this recently with some friends while driving around California. I put on “The Walking Dead” by Spinnerette and literally said I wish I'd written this. I just love everything about it; the atmospheric intro, the harmonies, the guitar licks, the dark lyrics. Brody Dalle is a huge inspiration to me, that gravelly alto voice, she was always just very cool to me in the most powerful, sexy ‘fuck you!’ kind of way.

Do you have any habits or rituals you go through when trying to write new music?

I normally wait until the song itself can't wait to escape me, I can't fully write unless something's really ready to flow out of me, and it always does. That can be hard if there's a looming deadline but thankfully it works out. I have so many journals and notebooks, I always have one with me when I'm travelling and try to write as much as possible and soak in inspiration from all around me. I've always been a really observant person, like even when I was a baby that's what they've told me, I was always looking around taking it all in. I'm just glad I'm an artist because making music helps me process this big ol’ world.

Who are your favourite artists you have found yourself listening to at the moment?

Honestly I've been obsessively listening to Ghost this summer and my friends can attest to that! I'm really enjoying their live album Rite Here Rite Now and the concert movie too, I saw it twice! I've also found myself most recently dipping back into Nine Inch Nails, Jeff Buckley and Stevie Nicks.

If you could open a show for anyone in the world, who would it be?

Ghost of course! C'mon Tobias, I'm just sitting by the phone waiting for your call..

What do you find is the most rewarding part about being a musician?

I love getting to meet new people from different places and experiences when I'm playing shows. I've had people tell me that my songs have gotten them through a tough time etc and it's moments like that that are truly rewarding. I also adore the recording studio time. I love the process of making a song truly come to life, watching all the building blocks fit into place. I also work as a Rock Band Coach both at home in Ireland and in California and it's a privilege to help kids become lil rockstars.

And what is the most frustrating part?

All the behind the scenes admin work or planning and preparation for releases, I mostly just want to write, record and perform! But sadly the industry forces you to have to do so much other shit that takes energy away from the good stuff. I try my best to keep a balance so I don't lose my love for it all.

And what is the best piece of advice you have received as a musician?

Before playing a show I always remember what someone told me when I was a kid, “if you aren't nervous, then you don't care”. The idea that you should feel it in your body and enjoy the thrill of it all. I also agree with the notion that writing songs shouldn't be about pleasing other people, saying what you need to say and (within reason!) don't censor yourself.


Sister Ghost's debut album 'Beyond The Water' is out on the 31st October. Watch the new video for 'Dark Matter' in the player below.