Following on from a huge rise in popularity over the last few months, with their previous releases racking up tens of thousands of streams online, Reading-based outfit The Taboos now look to continue their upward ascent with the release of their latest offering 'Innovative Thinking'.
With its bold and euphoric indie-rock aesthetic, 'Innovative Thinking' makes for a bright and forward-thinking addition to their catalogue. Filled with rip-roaring guitars, pulsing rhythm, and same truly catchy vocals, their newest jam looks set to see them become ones to keep an eye on in the years ahead.
So with their new single doing the rounds right now, we sat down with them to find out more about their origins and what has inspired them most over the years.
What were the first instruments you fell in love with?
I think for both of us it was the guitar. Although we have love for many different instruments, we grew up on riffs and now a lot of our songs are based primarily around a riff or melody that Alex will come up with. There’s just such a dynamic nature to the instrument.
What has been the most prominent inspiration behind your music so far?
It is constantly evolving, the new stuff we are writing as drawn influences from dance and pop, but still sticking to our indie roots. There’s often quite a driving, dark sound or an uplifting euphoria to our music, as these are two elements we love to explore. It’s also quite detailed usually, which has perhaps been influenced by music we don’t want to sound like. Lyrically, the world at the minute is inspiring the content, there is so much going on at the minute, effecting us both as an individual and also as a planet.
What kind of music did you love as teenagers?
We’ve both individually grown up around a vast number of different genres. I grew up listening to a lot of Folk music, whereas Alex was quite into Rock n Roll. Like everyone, we had our teenage angst phase where we would listen to punkier and heavier music and even dabbled into metal music, but what really drew us together was our mutual love for Arctic Monkeys and The Libertines, which is really what helped us to start the band.
Can you remember the first song that made you want to pursue a life in music?
There wasn’t a particular song, it was just the idea of music itself. I couldn’t get enough of just putting on an album and listening to it all the way through. For me (Sam), early Hefner and Bright Eyes records grasped me lyrically, and gave me ideas of my own I wanted to write about.
I (Alex) wouldn’t say there was a particular song for me either, it was more the idea and urge of being able to create my own music that really made me want to pick up the guitar in the first place.
Who are your favourite artists you have found yourself listening to at the moment?
Sam: Bright Eyes have just released their first album in 9 years last week, so I’m definitely delving into that at the moment.
Alex: I’m loving the new album from The Strokes and Harry Styles. I listen to a lot of upcoming artists as well. I’m very into Celeste, everything she seems to bring out is brilliant. I love bands like FEET and The Peach Fuzz at the minute too.. there’s so many more.
We do have a playlist of tunes on Spotify if you want to take a listen here.
How many of your songs have you written about people you’d rather forget?
I try not to make my lyrics too literal about me and someone I know. I feel like people like songs they can relate to, not because they want to hear about people’s problems, but of course there are a few in there that have taken inspiration from people I would rather forget. But the past is important, it helps you get to where you are now.
What has been the most unusual moment in your career so far?
There’s been many. Going out for a week on tour without booking any accommodation was quite strange, the car got very cosy in those cold rainy nights in Manchester.
Outside of music, what are your biggest passions?
Sam: I always like writing, whether it is music, story or anything. I am actually in the process of writing a novel at the minute.
Alex: I’ve always loved both playing and watching football. I also like to travel and socialise with friends.
If you weren’t musicians, what other path do you think you might have taken?
Sam: Something in film most likely, I have worked on sets and I just love the process of creating something like that.
Alex: I probably would have gone into music production as I find it fascinating and would love to be able to focus on it more. If not that, I’d probably learn to build guitars or something. I also enjoy reviewing music. Outside of music completely, who knows, maybe I’d work with animals or open up a branch of pubs to rival Wetherspoons.
And what advice would you give to other musicians looking to start a career in music?
Don’t take yourself too seriously at the start. It took us years to really ‘find our sound’ and be at a place where we are comfortable enough to release music we are completely happy with. It’s a long road and I think if you expect too much too soon it’s easier to feel defeated by it. But just stick with it and remember you are doing it because you love it.
The Taboos' new single 'Innovative Thinking' is available to stream and download now. Have a listen to it in the player below.