Mouses - 'The Mouses Album'


Having spent much of this year building up their popularity, Billingham-based two-piece Mouses have finally reached the zenith of their 2016 journey with the release of their elegantly titled 'The Mouses Album'. However, fans of the band will recognise a few inclusions on here from the pair's previous EPs, but that doesn't seem to affect the overall tenacity of their sound on their first full-length.

The sound of Mouses can easily be summed up as a fuzzed out, grunge-inspired pop disposition. With catchy hooks and a fast pace, 'The Mouses Album' manages to condense their best work to date into a quick half an hour release that seems to pack one punch after another. While their overuse of distortion may cause a lot of their songs to sound the same, its their ability to create toe-tappily fun DIY garage rock that keeps this record interesting.

While they are definitely in good company with other duos like Slaves and Deap Vally currently reaching huge audiences, Mouses have a strong focus on how they want to sound and it is that driven idea that makes this album such a unique joy to listen.

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